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Tips To Dry Your Firewood 

· bulk firewood,firewood box

The art of firewood is not to use it but to cut it and dry it, how to make the wood dry by burning it well. You can easily buy a firewood box for sale online and start preparing right before the time. Here are some of the tips that you need to follow to dry your firewood -

  • Cut off the firewood in early summer or spring so as to dry it for 6-9 months. If you cut the firewood in the winter or autumn, it won’t dry out enough to be used in the following year. There are some types of wood like larger cuts of wood or oak can take longer to dry.

  • Cut and split the wood into the right size according to the length of the wood burner for the very first time. This will give it more surface area so that it dries quickly and is ready to be used again. With the best firewood delivery in Sydney, you’ll have the stack that will keep you

  • One of the best places is to cut the dry wood outside. Don’t throw it straight into the woodshed as it will take longer to dry without any air and sun.

  • Stack the firewood in a row above from the ground so that the moisture cuts out the ends and you can burn the wood effectively. When the wood is too wet, it will create a lot of smoke and produce no heat, for sure. So, keep it dry and secure.

  • Always leave the drying firewood uncovered. It helps if you sit over it acting as a roof or do it with a roofing iron. You must not sit directly on the wood, and lay down the long lengths of the firewood or the timber pallets on the ground to cover it with something before you sit on it. Leave the firewood in open to help it dry quickly.

Get the firewood online with the best firewood delivery in Sydney!